
Thursday 19 May 2016

Thinking Grid

This is a DLO that I created. In this DLO, you can find some interesting things you can do if you have trouble in the water.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Home Learning

This is a presentation that me, Charlize, and Fifita created. This is a DLO about a young girl named Anne Frank. In this DLO, it shows you about Anne Frank life, facts, and what kind of hardship she had overcome. 

Monday 16 May 2016

Shoes Narrative

This is a DLO called shoes narrative that me and my partner Nesi created. We each have to choose a buddy to work with and create our plan together. First we had to write a story together for 15 minutes, my partner Nesi write her first sentence, and I write mine next, and we keep on going until our 15 minutes finished. And this is the story that we wrote.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Giant Pandas

This is a DLO that Ma'ata, Nesi, and I created. This DLO is about Pandas food, and were they lived. Pandas food are bamboo, and they lived in the forest, there are 20 different kind of bamboo that pandas eat. Some people cut down the bamboos which is the pandas food, to build houses and furniture. If there will no more bamboos, the pandas will have nothing to eat, or feed there children, and they might die. So it's very important that people don't take away the bamboos.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Kyle Mewburn

This is a DLO that I created about Kyle Mewburn. Kyle Mewburn is a children's writer. He wrote lot's of stories for junior kids and senior kids. There are lots of interesting stories that he wrote by himself. He read to PBS the latest story he wrote, and it was called the 'House on the Hill'. 

Kyle Mewburn

Title: Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!
Author: Kyle Mewburn
Today in reading, we listed to Kyle Mewburn story called Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!. This story is about a little boy called Andy Apple Pie and his aunty. Everyday Andy aunty came to visit him, the moments Andy saw his aunty, he ran and hide under his bed, but his aunty still find him. Andy ran to hide in the chicken house, but his aunty still find him, he ran to hide in the pigs house, but his aunty still find him. Andy hid  under the house where the spider webs were which will make his aunty stop chasing him. Andy waited for his aunty in the morning until the afternoon, he waited he waited but still his aunty didn't come. Andy came outside to checked if his aunty already left, his father told him that aunty broke his leg and she's still in the hospital. After a few days, a taxi stopped by in Andy house which was Andy's aunty, Andy ran fast to hug his aunty,  andy aunty gave him lot's of kisses in his chicks.  I recommend this book for juniors and seniors as well because it is really funny. 

Monday 9 May 2016

Japan Language Challenge

This is a popplet DLO that June, Ana, and I created. We created a DLO about the Japanese languages, we tried our best to find more than ten worlds, and end up with 24 worlds with the meaning on the side.

Friday 6 May 2016


This is my LI today, this is a DLO that I created shows interesting facts about Japan and maps shows were Japan is, and places that's close to Japan.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Maths Stragety

This is my maths strategy DLO,   this DLO can help you a lot if you don't know your timetable. Just read this DLO and you will know how to figure it out and learnt your timetable faster.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

E ako math

Today in math we were practicing on e ako math.  I was practising my fractions.  My results were 7 out of 107 because I had already started.


I created a cover for a biography of Albert Einstein who is one of the world most famous scientist. Albert Einstein didn't want to go to school, but he wanted to learnt about maths, science and want to know what makes things work.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Sub Word Wall

The soccer players were standing in the subzero weather. The coach was listening to the subliminal messages booming around the stadium. The soccer players were so crazy that their coach had to subdue them by offering them steak and cheese pies. The substitutes emerged, which was strange as they had been submerged for so long in the subterranean entrance. The other team subjugated most of the home fans. Many of the fans came from the subway that day. All the players and coaches were looking at the subtitles on the big screen.

This is Aminiasi, Pote, Cyrus and my word wall. We had to look in the dictionary for words that started with sub and had to mean below/under. Next we had to pick 8 words from our list of words then write a paragraph and use them in our paragraph.