
Friday 16 September 2016

Tongan language week

Pourquoi Story
LI: To write a pourquoi (tell me why or how) story that follows the structure and paints a picture in the mind of the reader.
Your Challenge:
Use the story starters in the box (or choose one of your own) to practise using the language features found in a pourquoi story

A great pourquoi story has…

  • A title
  • A past tense sentence starter eg: Once upon a time…
  • A sequence that can be followed from end to end
  • Powerful words that are used to describe things in the story
  • A final paragraph that sums up the whole pourquoi eg: …and that is why the elephant has a long trunk.

These story starters will help you to hook in your reader:
  • Back, far back, in the mists of time when the world was very young...
  • It is said, that...
  • It is told that long ago...
  • Many hundred years ago in a country across the sea, there lived...
  • Somewhere, some place, beyond the Seven Seas...

Water, People, Gun, Foggy, Candle, tent,

People Shouting,
People running.
Sea, Foods

Nervous, Scared,

  • Two countries fighting,
  • Fight to protect the country,
  • People’s nervous
  • Trying to lead the country,
  • One country win,
  • Everyone live peacefully.

How the Uafu Amelika(American Wharf) came to Tonga.
This sets the scene, creating a picture with words to describe the setting (where it takes place), atmosphere (it’s it scary, peaceful etc) and time of the story.

Characters are introduced as well as clues about what is about to go wrong.
A Long, long time ago around World War Two, on a small island in the middle of the Pacific ocean was the beautiful Kingdom of Tonga. It was a sunny saturday morning in the city of Nuku’Alofa. Then all of a sudden a weird looking plane comes flying across the bright sky and flies away. This frightened the people of Nuku’Alofa and was very confusing...

This is where a problem happens that affects the setting, time or characters. Remember to use dialogue between characters to show what is happening.
The weird looking plane was then found out to be a Japanese plane. The people in Tonga did not know why this plane flew across the skies of Tonga. They soon figured that the Japanese were planning an attack on the Kingdom of Tonga to take over their country. The Americans told them this and came over with their Armies to protect the island of Tonga.
Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.
During that time, big countries like China, Russia, Afghanistan and Japan fought over the islands in the Pacific so that they could rule them and become more powerful.
Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.
The Japanese country fighted with other countries and whoever had more control got to rule to country. Going back to the time the Japanese wanted to conquer the Island of Tonga, but the American Army came and stayed in Tonga to protect them from the Japanese Armies. The Americans lived at a wharf in Nuku’Alofa city. The people in Tonga took care of them by providing them food, drink and shelter.

The problem is solved and the story ends.
The Japanese failed to take over Tonga because of the help of the American Army. From that day, The King and people of Tonga named the wharf “Uafu Amelika,” which means “American Wharf,” in english. The issue was solved because if it wasn’t for the Americans, the Island of Tonga would be under the control of the Japanese. The Tongan people thank the Americans for protecting their land from the Japanese taking over.
Lesson Learnt:

This is the message you want the reader to learn from what happened.
We should all learn from this problem. We do not have to fight with each other, we have to leave in peace. We are all human and we need to help others who are in need. Protect our environment and our country.
This is my proquar story for the Tongan languange week. For the past few weeks, we had been learning about what being a critical friends look like. Being a critical friend is about working with somemone you don't usually work with or know them very well. I worked with Sebastian, Sebastian was my critical friend we had to look into my porquar story to DRAFT it and to fix what right and whats wrong. We worked collobarativel together and finished our both porquar story.

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