
Thursday 1 December 2016

Today was our last hockey session. We were so lucky to have Kylie and      to come to PBS and teach us how to play a hockey game and teach us all the rules about hockey. One of the most important rules I remembered was you weren't allowed to put the stick up in the air. Everyone had a wonder sessions with Kylie and       . Thank you Kylie and  of you for wasting
your time and coming to teach us how to play hockey

Friday 25 November 2016

E Group Reading Follow Up

For the last 2 weeks my reading group has been working on a multimodal reading task that our teacher created for us about pigeons. We had a question that we had to carry through out the whole 2 weeks and that was "are pigeons pests or specail". The whole readign group was split into 4 groups R-E-A-D.  We all had the same task.  We had to research and create DLO's to make an opinion.  My opinion is that I think pigeons are special because they were great helpers during the war.  Without pigeons included in the war many of the soldier would have died.  We had to work calloborativally as a group to get this task done.


Yesterday the yr 8's had hockey with Kylie. First we had to crab a hockey stick and a ball to play with. We had to tried and beat the score we had on  our last hockey session last week by hitting the stick on the ball and tried to make it not fall, last week my score was 72 and yesterday I got 101. We then played a game which you have to tried protect your ball from other people before they hit it outside. Everyone enjoyed working together and defending themself, I was also happy because I beat my score last week wehich means I'm getting better and better.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

E Group Reading Follow Up

For the past few weeks we have been learning about pigeons. We had to used our smart serching skills to find out information about pigeons. I learned a lot like how they risked there lives to send messages in WW1 & 2. This DLO have to be about our group opinion. This DLO was the last DLO for our topic. We have to write our own opinions about if you think pigeons are special or pests. I think pigeons are very special because they saved 194 lives in WW1 & WW2 even though they make a lot of mess like leaving guano on grounds or roof tops which destroys things because of their acidic, and that they cause diseases.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Frist Hockey Session

Image result for hockey stick and ball

Today was our first session of hockey. We played a game called bull rush to warm us up. After playing bull rush, we had to practice some movement that we already practice before so that we can remember what hockey is, and how to play hockey. The new movent we learned today was the traffic light, there were 6 different light we learned today. The first light is green, green is you have to just walk slowly hitting the ball with your hockey stick. And Blue stand for roundabout, you have to walk in cirles,  silver is speed, orange is slow down,  purble is going backwits,  and red is you have to freeze. Everyone enjoyed playing to gether as a team and helping each other out.

Monday 14 November 2016


This week we started learning about hyperbole. This is a DLO that I created about hyperbole, hyperbole is when your making something look bigger than what it's actually is. This are some facts about hyperbole, and pictures that will make it easier for you to understand what it means.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Godwits / Kuaka

Today for Inqury, Mrs Anderson and the yr 8 were learning about godwits. This is a popplet that I created to see what a godwits is. In this popplet you can learn about how far they can flew, what they eat, where they can find they foods, and other interesting stuff that I found out about Godwits.  


Monday 7 November 2016

Paper Planes

For this past few week's, we have been learning about paper planes. Today we got split into groups and see who's plane fly the furthest. In my group were Ana, Mere, Afu, Harry, Thomas, and Sylis. We all had a turn on throwing to see who's best at throwing, and that person will have to challenge the each person from every group. From our group, we chose Thomas because his plane flew the furthest. He had to challenge Zahn, Victoria, Latham, Gozan, and AJ. It was a challenging match against the other team, but Thomas from our team won, and Tai, and then Zahn.


Friday 4 November 2016

Paper Planes

Yesterday for maths we got split  into groups mix boys and girls. We had to came up with an ideas of how to make a paper airplanes. We each made our own air plane and then we went outside to test if they can fly. We all worked collobaratively together as a team to finished our airplane together on the same time. We all had fun yesterday on making this paper airplane and working together and it worked well.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Shake Out (Congratulate)

The Shake Out from The Outlook for Someday on Vimeo.

This movie was created by Latham, Reon, Cylis, Daniel, and Jasmine about The Shake Out. Congratulations to these 5 people for making a fantastic job on making this movie, and making up there own ides.  

Friday 21 October 2016

Touch Rugby

Last week and this week we have been praticing touch rugby with Trevor and Mr Em. Today we had to line up girls and boys on opposite site, and we had to run to the other side.  We did a high knees, butt kick, jog, and we walk so that we can warm up. It was fun today because we learnt different moves, and that we get to learnt new moves we haven't learnt before. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Maths Problem

This week in maths, we have been learning about solving multiplication problems. Our LI: Solving Multiplication problems in everyday contexts. The task we had to do was word problem. We had to use our multiplication to solve the problem. We had to answer 8 question by using our multiplication. Some of them were a bit tricky but we help each other out and got the right answer.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Cybersmart with Mrs Ogilvie

Today Mrs Ogilvie came to PBS to show the yr 6 and 8 boys and girls a website that we can use for free, and that we can use it without lable for reusing it because they already done it for us. She showed us a website which is called Epic Kids/Infobits. We were really lucky that she showed us thihs website, because sometimes we find it hard looking for the exact picture that we wanted. Thank you to Mrs Ogilvie for coming and showing us this website so that whenever we need to use pictures we can just go to this website and use it from there.

Reading Challenge

For the past few weeks, we have been learning about skimming and scanning. The diffrence between skimming and scanning is that skimming is when your reading the whole text/story fast, and scanning is when your reading the text carefully and looking for more ideas. We split into groups so that we can help each other out. Our challenge was to complete 4 tasks. The first task was to read the story as a group and answer all the blank spaces on the story so that it will make sense. We work collaboratively together a group to finish our 4 challenges. We helped each other out and finished our work with a good score.
LI: To follow instructions and make sure we read for the meaning and understanding.

Monday 17 October 2016

Rhythm Interactive

Today Johnny and Lucy came to visit PBS to teach us how to play rhythm Interactive. Everyone was having fun having Johnny and Lucy teaching us how to play drum. It was a bit hard start learning but we all got the hang of it and be able to play it ourself. 

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Quizizz Game

Today for maths the whole class played a maths games called quizizz. Everyone had to buddy up so that we can have a turn each and so that we can help each other out. I buddy up with Nesi , Nesi and I work together as a team so that we won't come last. We had to answer 20 question so me and my partner Nesi had to answer 10 each. We help each other out and then we came third on our first challenge, and then on our second one we came fifth and then on our last one we tried our best and we came seventh. We worked collaboratively as a team and we end up with a 7 place but we got 100% accuracy.

Tuesday 20 September 2016


Last week on Friday Panmure Bridge School yr5 to yr 8 went down to the Panmure libary to meet an narrator that narates Andy griffins books. He hooked us in with his humour and prizes.  He talked to us to read books because they can get you get somewhere in life.

Friday 16 September 2016

Tongan language week

Pourquoi Story
LI: To write a pourquoi (tell me why or how) story that follows the structure and paints a picture in the mind of the reader.
Your Challenge:
Use the story starters in the box (or choose one of your own) to practise using the language features found in a pourquoi story

A great pourquoi story has…

  • A title
  • A past tense sentence starter eg: Once upon a time…
  • A sequence that can be followed from end to end
  • Powerful words that are used to describe things in the story
  • A final paragraph that sums up the whole pourquoi eg: …and that is why the elephant has a long trunk.

These story starters will help you to hook in your reader:
  • Back, far back, in the mists of time when the world was very young...
  • It is said, that...
  • It is told that long ago...
  • Many hundred years ago in a country across the sea, there lived...
  • Somewhere, some place, beyond the Seven Seas...

Water, People, Gun, Foggy, Candle, tent,

People Shouting,
People running.
Sea, Foods

Nervous, Scared,

  • Two countries fighting,
  • Fight to protect the country,
  • People’s nervous
  • Trying to lead the country,
  • One country win,
  • Everyone live peacefully.

How the Uafu Amelika(American Wharf) came to Tonga.
This sets the scene, creating a picture with words to describe the setting (where it takes place), atmosphere (it’s it scary, peaceful etc) and time of the story.

Characters are introduced as well as clues about what is about to go wrong.
A Long, long time ago around World War Two, on a small island in the middle of the Pacific ocean was the beautiful Kingdom of Tonga. It was a sunny saturday morning in the city of Nuku’Alofa. Then all of a sudden a weird looking plane comes flying across the bright sky and flies away. This frightened the people of Nuku’Alofa and was very confusing...

This is where a problem happens that affects the setting, time or characters. Remember to use dialogue between characters to show what is happening.
The weird looking plane was then found out to be a Japanese plane. The people in Tonga did not know why this plane flew across the skies of Tonga. They soon figured that the Japanese were planning an attack on the Kingdom of Tonga to take over their country. The Americans told them this and came over with their Armies to protect the island of Tonga.
Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.
During that time, big countries like China, Russia, Afghanistan and Japan fought over the islands in the Pacific so that they could rule them and become more powerful.
Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.
The Japanese country fighted with other countries and whoever had more control got to rule to country. Going back to the time the Japanese wanted to conquer the Island of Tonga, but the American Army came and stayed in Tonga to protect them from the Japanese Armies. The Americans lived at a wharf in Nuku’Alofa city. The people in Tonga took care of them by providing them food, drink and shelter.

The problem is solved and the story ends.
The Japanese failed to take over Tonga because of the help of the American Army. From that day, The King and people of Tonga named the wharf “Uafu Amelika,” which means “American Wharf,” in english. The issue was solved because if it wasn’t for the Americans, the Island of Tonga would be under the control of the Japanese. The Tongan people thank the Americans for protecting their land from the Japanese taking over.
Lesson Learnt:

This is the message you want the reader to learn from what happened.
We should all learn from this problem. We do not have to fight with each other, we have to leave in peace. We are all human and we need to help others who are in need. Protect our environment and our country.
This is my proquar story for the Tongan languange week. For the past few weeks, we had been learning about what being a critical friends look like. Being a critical friend is about working with somemone you don't usually work with or know them very well. I worked with Sebastian, Sebastian was my critical friend we had to look into my porquar story to DRAFT it and to fix what right and whats wrong. We worked collobarativel together and finished our both porquar story.

Inter-school Cross-Country

Yesterday all the kids in PBS that came first, second, and third in the school country went bailey road for the interschool cross country to race other kids from different school. We left the school early so that we can get there in time. Some of us got scared so we did some stretching so that we can warm up. When it was our turn I was really nervous and scared, but I tried my best. We did 4 laps, on my second laps I felt tired so then I walked so that I can get some energy and then run again. Even though some of us didn't came first, second, or thrid at least everyone had a great time and enjoyed themself together in the interschool cross country

Thursday 8 September 2016

Cross Country

Yesterday the PBS school went down to to do our cross country race. We started the race with year, 1-2-3-4, up all the way to year 8.  It was a bit funny yesterday beacuse it rain and everybody had to find a shelter to hide in from the rain, but luckily it only rain for like a 3 minutes so we had to go back to were we sit. We started with the junior people they only did one lap, and the older you are the more lap you do. The 7-8 did 4 laps together, it was really muddy and dirty I still didn't give up and I tried my best and end up in third place, even tho I end up in third place my family and myself were still proud of what I did. Thank you to Mr Ogilvie for helping us to train so that we can get fit for the real race and for the other's teachers who helped us too.

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Today for maths in our groups we were learning about decimals and place value, and we had a quick  called hit the button, and maths challenge on our books. The first thing we had to do was turn the decimals number into words, and the the words into numbers. I have been working collabaratively with Mahdia to help each other out and to finished our work together.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Read 20

This morning we started with read 20. Read 20 is a different storys that you have to read and then you answer the questions on the site. When you answer the question and you got it right you get a point for it, and if you got it wrong you don't a point. Read 20 help me by reading the whole text and it help me remember it when I answer the question. 

Thursday 1 September 2016

Sketch Note

This week and last week we have been learning about sketch note. Sketch note is when you take notes about something, for example studies, and you be creative by using pictures and arrows and lots more. I really like sketch note because it doesn't have to make sense to anybody else except me. As long as I can retell my information from my notes. And sketch notes don't have to look beautiful, it just has to be on your paper. From alst week and this week we have been making sketch notes on Questions and AThletic abilitys. 

Rippa Ruby

Yesterday the yr5,6, girls and boys, and the yr7,8 girl's went to Rippa Rugby to represent Panmure Brisge School. The first school we verse was Bailey Road School and we end up with a score 3 to 3. We then verse Point England it was a challengin games but we unfortunately lost 7-2. The third school we challenge was Tamaki Primary it was a hard game and we won by 4-3. We then had a break for 30 minutes, on our break time we had to learnt about the things we didn't do right on the field and some other new move. After our break, we then verse sylvia park and we lost by 3-5. After we challenge Sylvia park we verse glen brae and we won with the score 4-3, our last game was our final game which we verse sylvia park again,it was a really close game and we beat them with a score 4 to 3. We all had fun yesterday in the Rippa Rugby game, I will like to thank Mr Ogilvie, Manu, Paea, and Rulon our couaches for helping us out on that day. 

Cross Country

Yesterday we have been practicing running for the inter-school cross country. We had been doing doing 1 to 2 laps on the first week, and the second week we did 3-4 laps, and this week we are still working on our 5 laps. I did 5 laps and I finished with a 13 minutes and 25 second, next week I will try to be more faster and beat my time.

Tuesday 30 August 2016


This is my presentation that I created with my partner Brianna. In this DLO you can learnt about the ancient olympics and modern olympics, and some interesting facts about it. We have been helping each other out and working colobaratively together and we finished our presentation.

Friday 26 August 2016

Assemply Vistiors

Today panmure bridge school were so lucky because some of the warrior team players came to visit our school. They first introduce themself to us, one of them were Ryan Hoffman, John Palavi, and some other players. After introducing themself we had a game, to play this game, our whole school got separated into two teams, which is team Hoffey and team James D. We had to scream hoffey, and the other team had to scream James D, and whoever is the loudest wins get to answer the question and if we got it right we get a score. We all had a great time playing this game together with some of the warrior teams. Thank you Alice for spending your time coming to our school and to some of the warriors teams that they waste there time to visit our school we really apriciated everything you've done.

Friday 19 August 2016

Run, Jump, Throw

On Thursday the yr 7/8 boys and girls played run, jump, throw together. First thing we do was play octopus to warm up and then we got split into groups, and we had a challenge together to see who will come first. We had a great time helping each other out and learning how to do long jump. 

Friday 12 August 2016

Before and after olympics stadium

This is my DLO that I made myself about the olympics venues before and after. This week we had been learning to consider  both side of provocation so that we can make  an informed opinion. in this DLO it shows my oipinion and the two boxes at the bottom shows no we shouldn't build olympics venues, and the other one says yes we should build the olympics vennues. I think they shouldn't build those olympics venues because they will only use it once and it will be a waste of money.  Do you think  they should spent money to build those olympics venues? Write down in the comment below what you think.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Run, Jump, Throw

Today all of LS2 Yr 7/8 played run, jump, throw together.  We talked about the things we've done last week, then we played the octopus to warm up. Today the new things we learnt was we learnt how to start a race, and we had to buddy up with a partner, then we each have our own  then we had to put it on each side of the field then we both had to sit on the middle of the field. After everyone is ready Andy the run, jump, throw teacher us went to run by yelling out loud go, after she yelled everyone run as fast as they can and I beat my partner Nesi and on the last race it was a tigh. But everyone enjoyed it.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Language Features

This is my DLO that I greated about language features. We practiced first and then each make our own DLO. This DLO you can learnt all about the different types of language features.

Friday 5 August 2016

Run jump throw

This week the yr8 had their first session of run jump thru. We had been practicing sprinting.  We learnt some important skills to have like, light feet, look ahead, stand tall, cheek to cheek, and bent arms while running,

Oympics Logo

This is my  olympics logo that I greated with my groups, Mahdia and Nesi. We put the earth in the middle to represent the world, and we added the stars for the countries that has the stars in their flag like the Nz flag, and the leaf border represents NZ's environment. We had been working collaborately together to finish our olympics logo and we ended with this. 

Thursday 4 August 2016

Hoverbike Poster

This week we've been focusing on advertisment. Yesterday me and my partner Mere started greating this DLO about a hoverbike. We each greate our own hover bike poster with our partner, we use the groups of three and emotive words and the hoverbike picture to decorated our poster. We have been working collaborated together on our DLO, and this was our final poster.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Maths Quiziz

Today for maths we played a online quiziz maths games. We challenge each other by playing we this game on  five timestable, each we had 10 second to write the answer before you ran out of time. I came 17 on the first one, and 90 accuracy, and then I came 13 and 100 percent, I really enjoyed playing this game because it helped me alot on my five timestable, I think what I need to focus on the next game is I need to speed up a little bit faster.  

Friday 29 July 2016

Buddy Reading

Today was LS2's first day to do buddy reading with room 4 and 3. First we had to buddy up with a room 3/4  children, and then we start reading the book togeather, while reading, I asked my partner Atu some question about the book. After we read the book, I point to a different character's and let her guest who they are, we both had a wonderful time reading together and I hope it will continue like that everytime.

Thursday 28 July 2016

Book character week.

This week is character book week. Today BPS school had to dress up in there favouritie book character, because of the character book week. I dress up as a fairy princess because I like fairy princess's, everyone wore different kind of costume, but I think most people dress up as a vampire, and a witch.  We were lucky today because lot's of guest visit our school,  and everyone had a greate time together.

Friday 8 July 2016


This are some of the photos from yesterday when Lynne Le Gros came to talked to us aboout leadership. Yesteday, Lynne Le Gros came to visit the yr 7/8 student. She is a friend of Manaiakalani, she came and talked to us about leadership, first she introduced her self to us, and then she talked to us about Sir Peter Blake who done a lot to Nz before he passed away. She gave use a piece of paper to right on it who our role model are and why, then she gave us another peace of paper to write in what are dream is and what we wnat Nz to be. Then she gave each of us some gifts, was a bag, bottle, pen, notebook, and a hat.  I just wanted to say a big thank you to you Lynne Le Gros, for wasted you time to talked to us about something importan, and we really apriciated all the gifts you have given to us, and thank you very much Lynne Le Gros. 

Thursday 7 July 2016

Yr 7/8 Orientaring

Today was our last day doing orientaring, both yr 7/8 did orientaring on the same time. First we have to a choose a partner to work with, and to help each other. My partner was Fifita, Fifita and I were helping each other finding were the numbers are. Fifita was the one readin the map, and I was the one doind the running, after we finished our first map, we went through to our second map which was our last one. On our last map, me and Fifita had to swap, and I was reading the  map and Fifita were doing the running. We tried our best we can and we end up with a 18minutes and 60 second, we had lot's of fun together helping each other out and mostly about working as a team work. 

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Reading Game

Today for Reading, I played a game called make and opinion. This game was about putting each word into the right places were it make the sentences sounds right. This game helped me know about fact and opinion means, and how it could help me with my reading.

Monday 4 July 2016

Invitation Letter

Today for writing, we had to choose a sentences and then write a letter about it. I chose a sentences called write a birthday party invitation for a young rock star who stars on TV show. This is my letter for Grace, I wrote this letter to inform her about my little brother birthday party date and time, and that she's invited.

Life Education

Today was the yr 8 first time going to life education this year, Nicole was our teacher, she teach us about how our body work, and our brain. We talked about our body system, and she tell what are things that make your heart beat faster and slower, and our bodys part names. We learnt a lot today about how our body goes, and what it does, now we know the reason why it's important to keep our body healthy and clean.